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Davidのインタビュー2022 @METRO.co.uk & BBC Essex



Davidのインタビュー2022 @METRO.co.uk & BBC Essex


for Carlos

Davidのインタビュー2022 @METRO.co.uk & BBC Essex

Simon Gage


そしてSimon Cowellからの独立についても話しています。



A New Day Tourのアナウンスもあり、



Il Divo’s David Miller opens up group’s split from Simon Cowell after death of bandmate Carlos Marín

David Miller of Il Divo talks about about losing group-mate Carlos Marín to Covid and splitting up with Simon Cowell.

Is it strange to perform as a trio since Carlos died after contracting Covid?

It was a complete shock for the three of us. When it happened, we asked ourselves, is this the end? Can we do this as a trio? How do we do this without Carlos because apart from being an integral member and a family member the songs were wrapped around his voice. That’s when we came up with the idea of special guests who could help get us through this devastating phase of our journey.

You were all good friends as well, weren’t you?

The short answer is yes but it’s different than friends. It did start out as a simple work arrangement. We were all put in a room by Simon Cowell, an audition process like you would with an opera, where you show up, do a few rehearsals, do the gig then you’re off to your next thing.

And that’s what we thought was happening. Then it was the next album, then the tour, then the next album, then Barbra Streisand… we had so many bonding moments that took us into family territory.

Did you ever think of auditioning for a replacement?

We thought about it but Simon took two years to find the four of us. When Carlos passed away in December 2021 it was at the height of Omicron and everyone was just barely coming out of lockdown after two years and if we’d waited two years, this tour would never have happened, this healing process would have been put on hold.

It would feel like some sort of Britain’s Got Talent thing and that would have taken away from the fact we lost a family member so we knew we had to go on tour immediately.

So you’re not writing off the idea that you might get a new baritone in the future?

I won’t say no because I don’t know. There’s the possibility that we go forward as a trio. Now we’re coming up to the year mark, we’ve been mourning for a year, we could turn it into a proper audition process.

We’re not there yet though. Those first rehearsals, we just weren’t letting ourselves feel the pain and when we got to the opening night, standing there behind the curtain, the three of us, and the overture is happening, all of a sudden the tears just started falling.

That was the beginning of starting our healing. The first three weeks we couldn’t get through a performance without at least one of us in at least one song completely falling apart.

And now?

It was only when we got to Japan… I do all the speaking in Japanese – because I’ve been learning for the last 16 years, just little bits here and there – trying to express all these emotions in Japanese that it started to feel different. This is the first leg where there’s nothing crazy: Covid’s under control, not too many shows, decent travel…

You changed things up with your last album, a collection of Motown songs…

I was worried about that, I thought it was a crazy idea. But I was wrong and I’m very proud of it. Now we start the show with I’ll Be There, which is a poignant moment what with Carlos having passed.

How do you cope being on tour for a year? A lover in every port?

[Laughing] If I’m honest, that was Carlos’s bag. I’m happily married. Urs is happily married and his wife Leticia, who was one of the dancers in the Amor y Pasión tour, she’s basically with him on tour, so they’re seeing the world and experiencing their young love together. It’s cute to watch.

How does your wife feel about you going off for so long?

She’s an opera singer so she understands the nature of it. We try to not let it go beyond five or six weeks. If she’s not working, we’ll find a way for her to come out, like during the Spanish leg when we had some time off so we spent a few days in Ibiza.

And you’ve kicked out Simon Cowell?

I wouldn’t say it like that. We’re still on friendly terms. He reached out to us when Carlos passed. But it got to a point where we exceeded his expectations.

In his mind it was three albums so when we went for the fourth, fifth, sixth… we started having our own ideas about who we wanted to work with and he was still dominated by his TV shows so we said, ‘Would you be OK if we struck out on our own on this?’ and his team were like, ‘No problem.’

No hissy fits or fights?

No, surprisingly civilised.

We’re disappointed. We wanted wine being thrown…

It was terrible! Simon picked up a glass of wine, threw it in Carlos’s face and we said, ‘That’s it’ and ripped his shirt and walked out. Is that better?


bbc Davidのインタビュー




It’s been a hard healing process since last December and definitely we’re going to have a bittersweet mixed feeling this coming Christmas but I’m sure and hope we will have heart-felt peaceful warms through the voices of our guys with the memory of Carlos❤️

This was a wonderful interview...reminded me of my radio days. People give better interviews on a broadcast, and David did an excellent job as always.They are healing and working thru the grief so well. I know it's been so difficult for them all.
I just addressed that in my post yesterday and so admire the grace they presented as they handled the pain they were in.
I was unaware that Seb and Urs got covid too! Those first few shows were heartbreaking.... prayers for continued healing and success. So proud of them!!!Xoxo

Grief is a process that we all have to go through as we lose people we love. The guys have put together the best tribute to Carlos that they could and I’m sure it was very difficult and extremely emotional for them to go on this tour and do shows every single night. I believe it was what Carlos would’ve wanted… for them to go on and not give up. It’s a healing time for them and for the fans. Having seen the tribute concert in Vegas, I felt their sadness and their pain. Carlos was like a brother to them. Going on without him must’ve been very hard, but they did it out of love and respect for Carlos and all of their fans ❤️

去年の 12 月からの回復は大変でしたし、今年のクリスマスはほろ苦い複雑な気持ちになることは間違いありませんが、Carlos の思い出とともに、私たちの仲間の声を通して心からの平和な暖かさを感じられることを願っています。 ❤️

ラジオ時代を思い出した、素敵なインタビューでした。 人々は放送でより良いインタビューを行います.デビッドはいつものように素晴らしい仕事をしました.彼らは癒し、悲しみをうまく乗り越えています. 彼ら全員にとってとても大変だったことを私は知っています。
セブとウルスも感染しているとは知らなかった! 最初の数回のショーは胸が張り裂けるようなものでした.... 回復と成功が続くことを祈ります。 彼らをとても誇りに思っています!!!Xoxo

悲しみは、愛する人を失うときに誰もが経験しなければならないプロセスです。 彼らは可能な限り最高のカルロスへのトリビュートをまとめましたが、彼らがこのツアーに参加して毎晩ショーを行うことは非常に困難で非常に感情的だったと確信しています。 カルロスが望んでいたことだったと思います…彼らが諦めずに進み続けるために。 彼らにとってもファンにとっても癒しの時間です。 ラスベガスでのトリビュート コンサートを見て、彼らの悲しみと痛みを感じました。 カルロスは彼らにとって兄弟のような存在でした。 彼なしで続けることは非常に大変だったに違いありませんが、彼らはカルロスとすべてのファンへの愛と敬意からそうしました❤️

Thank you. 

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同じカテゴリー(IL DIVO )の記事
 メキシコツアー終了!グアテマラ公演会場変更 & ポルトアレグレ公演中止 (2024-05-12 22:00)
 Happy Mother's day!! (2024-05-11 23:30)
 Quiz with IL DIVO @2020 備忘録 (2024-04-03 22:30)
 プレミア公開 LIVE FROM TAIPEI @pbs (2024-02-23 23:30)
 TV放送 LIVE FROM TAIPEI @PBS 2/23(セットリスト) (2024-02-17 23:00)
 祝 ニューアルバム IL DIVO XX 発売 (2024-02-09 15:00)


Davidのインタビュー2022 @METRO.co.uk & BBC Essex